
Class Information

I teach General & Intermediate classes at several venues in South Manchester and  from home.

To book a class, click here  Book online

I also teach at the MDIY, Dukinfield.

1:1 classes personalised in discussion with you

Classes are tailored to your needs, 1 hour long and in my fully equipped home studio in Didsbury. £50 per session. These are ideal if:

  • you are new to Yoga and looking for extra guidance in the foundations of yoga
  • you are a more experienced student who wants a more personal Yoga class
  • you are studying for your Iyengar Introductory assessment or working towards a higher level
  • you have specific needs or injuries that you would like help with

Please contact me to discuss.
Tel: 07505 969426



Chorlton Central Church

Monday 11:00 – 12:30 am
General Class

Barlow Moor Rd,
Manchester M21 8BF

Book online

The Old Parsonage

Tuesdays 9.45-11:15 am 
General class.

Stenner Lane,
M20 2RQ

Book online

Intermediate Class

Wednesday  7:00 – 9:00 pm
I run a weekly Intermediate Class from my home studio.

Students are expected to maintain a stable head balance for 5 minutes. The practice is more demanding than a general level. Introductory & Intermediate asanas are studied in greater detail.

Please contact me for more details on attending this class.


Yoga for beginners, sportspeople and therapy

Yoga is for everyone and I welcome new students of all ages and abilities, from children to pensioners, complete beginners or those with some yoga background.

Yoga is not about being able to touch your toes or do the splits. The emphasis is that you do poses within your own capabilities; I suggest props where needed to help achieve a better pose and assist you towards a balanced and calm approach to your practice.

Yoga is not just exercise on the mat; if practised diligently it will affect your general well-being.

I’m here to answer all your questions and make you feel comfortable within the class.

Athletes are now appreciating how yoga can help improve sporting performance. Regular yoga practice can benefit you in the following ways:

  • Reducing injuries
  • Removal of lactic acid
  • Breath awareness and control
  • Mental focus
  • Stamina
  • Flexibility

The Iyengar Yoga method is commonly used by sports people for avoidance and treatment of injuries, improved stamina, flexibility and mental concentration. Sportspeople who preform repetitive movements often end up with tight, overused muscles that become vulnerable to pulls or sprains and underused muscles that progressively get weaker. Yoga can train the mind and body to help sportspeople become more agile, stronger and focused. Incorporating Iyengar Yoga in their lives will give balance, strength, great flexibility and help immensely in prevention and treatment of injuries.

Manchester United football club have weekly Iyengar Yoga classes, with the first and youth teams using the classes since 2003.

The English Cricketers also use Iyengar Yoga teachers and the players who commit to yoga have noticed they suffer fewer injuries and tend to recover quickly if they do sustain an injury.

Rugby clubs including New Zealand club now have regular yoga classes.

Ryan Giggs: Yoga is key to prolonging my Manchester United career – The Guardian

Yoga health and fitness – BBC

Sachin Tendulkar tries yoga to be in top shape – India Today

Yoga promotes a firm foundation of health and well-being. Regular yoga practice can benefit you in the following ways:

  • Help to reduce and manage pain levels
  • Helps prevent and aids quicker recovery from injuries
  • Calming/helps reduce stress levels
  • Greater flexibility, strength and balance

Iyengar Yoga is a holistic practice which when practiced regularly can help overcome and prevent many stresses, strains, aches and pains. An Iyengar Yoga class will contain a carefully graded selection of asanas and can be practiced safely regardless of age, sex, religion, race and fitness level.

Iyengar Yoga conditions the human system in its entirety, promoting health in mind and body. It is not gymnastics and so not just for those in elite condition, indeed yoga can benefit people suffering from various diseases and illness.

For students with more complex conditions The Manchester & District Institute of Iyengar Yoga (MDIIY) offers a remedial class which I assist in and is run by Senior teacher Debbie Bartholomew. To attend these classes, talk to myself or look on the MDIIY website and contact Debbie directly.

“I suffer from osteoarthritis in all of my joints, therefore I attend a weekly yoga class taught by Sarah. I am now more flexible and my posture has improved. I have a much better quality of life due to Yoga.”

“Sarah is a confident and knowledgeable teacher who works well with our diverse group. We’re all different ages and abilities and we all enjoy her class. I’ve been attending yoga classes for over ten years and have found Iyengar Yoga to be very beneficial – even curing the back problem I had that three different specialists had said would only be fixed with surgery.”

“I don’t feel pressured by the teacher to complete the final yoga postures as I am allowed to work at my own pace. I am really grateful to now have a pain free back due to attending Iyengar Yoga classes. It’s great!”

Got back pain? Try yoga – Arthritis Research UK

The Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Network